A Bleacher for the Toronto Santa Claus Parade


A Bleacher for the Toronto Santa Claus Parade

Another great ''just in time built'' in Toronto for the annual Santa Claus Parade.

Built on the 19th and dismantled on the 20th of November 2016, these bleachers were set up right in front of The Sick Kids Hospital.

Thanks to the Sick Kids Foundation for their trust in Mega-Stage, for the realization of this project.

We arrived early, in order to unload the truck, and to avoid traffic the traffic rush. The setup was completed in a few hours. 

The bleacher was a raised unit, in order to enable to best viewing for the audience.

In no time, the decks and seats were installed.  Next, we installed our code compliant steel railings.

As the bleacher was elevated 4', 36'' high guard rails were also needed in the front.